• 마이크로비트 옴니비트 매카넘휠 로봇 RC카 패키지

마이크로비트 옴니비트 매카넘휠 로봇 RC카 패키지

128,000 13,000
0원 (조건부배송) 지역별 추가배송 주문시결제(선결제)
택배 / 화물배송 / 방문수령 / 퀵배송

Product Introduction 


This Omni-directional mobile smart car is made up of 146 blocks, 4 building blocks motors and 4 Omni-directional wheels. With the Super:bit expansion board with powerful motor drive capability, using MakeCode graphical programming, it can easily control its 360° omnidirectional movement by dragging the building blocks. Because it is equipped with a high-quality Mecanum wheel, it can quickly advance in eight different directions: front, back, left, right, upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right. The ability to avoid obstacles is far greater than Other smart cars. In addition, we can also control it through the Android/iOS dual system APP control or micro:bit handle to achieve other functions besides omnidirectional movements, such as: colorful lights, music playing and so on. 




* 본 제품은 마이크로비트가 포함되어 있지 않은 가격입니다. 
* 마이크로비트는 별도로 구매하시기 바랍니다.  

관련자료: https://github.com/YahboomTechnology/Omnibit




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